

Fri, April 15, 2022, 4pm
hosted by Anne Burdick, Elise Co, and Tim Durfee

Join us for an afternoon of sociopathic sensing, Acrobat for autocrats, currencies of attention, auto-autofiction,​gastronomic sensoria, EPA APIs, VR backdoors, metaversal properties, dream broadcasters, over-shareware, necro-pneumatics, NFT boardgames, prescription placebos, leisure labor, mindful co-bots, social organs…

Hosted by MDP Thesis Lead Faculty: Anne Burdick, Elise Co, and Tim Durfee

LIVESTREAM HERE: https://mdp.artcenter.edu/thesis-live-2022-2/

Guest Respondents: Stuart Candy, Ph.D. Fellow at the Berggruen Institute and University of Southern California and Radha Mistry, Foresight Practice Lead, Autodesk

Mavis Yue Cao
Ray Rui Cao
Isabelle Chaligne
Jeremy Yijie Chen
Anthony Rey Espino
Iris Yuanyuan Gong
Jensen Gu
Kate Ladenheim
Melody Ling
Fuyao Liu
Berna Onat
Elaine Purnama
Qi Tan
Christie Wu
Shiny Shuan-Yi Wu
Jou Jiahui Yu

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