

Wed, November 2, 2022, 1pm


This project proposes a new type of thing.
This thing doesn’t really need a name, but we’re calling it a Nonument.
A Nonument has no inherent meaning, content, or program.
The idea is that a Nonument amplifies the real.
This includes the realness of the real, and the realness of the virtual.
A Nonument attempts to avoid metaphor, but, you know, accidents happen.
Often, the form of a Nonument is exactly what it needs to be to manifest a quality only physical material and space can produce. Virtual spaces can collaborate with it. Like augmented reality-in-reverse.
Some Nonuments are follies. Functionally pointless, but deliberate in their delivery of a cultural desire.
These also augment reality, but in an analog way.
Nonuments are meaningless on their own.
But they dream of being like cathedrals or novels:
Interfaces suited to an era.

MDP Gallery


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